LinkedIn Learning Portal

Discover. Develop. Dominate.

This program is our lifetime work and gives you access to everything  we know about LinkedIn (including top tips and little known strategies) and how to make the platform work for you in the most efficient way, generating more leads, prospects and ultimately sales for your business.

160+ Written Messages, Voice Scripts & InMail Examples

18 lessons

Our aim here is to assist you by sharing all-encompassing examples that cover an array of possible scenarios. These scenarios range from sending that first connection request to approaching someone who viewed your profile or was recommended by the platform, among many others.


14 lessons

Compare LinkedIn plans for an informed decision on the best plan for you.

Consider your Ideal Customer Avatar and establish in your own mind who are people most likely to become your customers or employers.

Define your "Why" as a differentiator; not only what you do or what you offer, but why you do it that sets you apart from your competitors.

Consider what your LinkedIn specific goals are, to develop an effective social selling strategy and action plan, and learn how to measure them for success.

Discover you Social Selling Score , gain valuable insights on your social selling performance and learn how to improve your strategies to achieve better results. An SSI score of 80+ means you’re doing amazingly and on the verge of being awesome! (To check your score click here)

Daily, Weekly, Monthly & Annual Checklists

1 lesson

You need to be active on LinkedIn to make the platform work for you.

It's easy to get distracted by the platform’s many features. Therefore, you need to set aside specific time to execute key engagement tasks.

You’ll have access to daily, weekly, monthly and annual checklists, structured to get the most of LinkedIn in a time-efficient way.

Advanced Profile Setup

14 lessons

Your online presence is crucial to your professional identity.

Learn how to optimise all areas of your LinkedIn profile and discover step-by-step strategies and practical tips. Enhance your visibility to business connections and potential employers, and increase opportunities for networking and career advancement.

Building a Targeted Audience

6 lessons

Targeting the right audience on LinkedIn is essential for effective lead generation and job hunting.

Discover advanced search filters, such as Boolean and Ghost, and techniques that will enable you to: find your targeted Ideal Customer Avatar, connect and interact with the individuals and businesses most relevant to your career goals and interests, and uncover networking events, job opportunities and industry insights.

Sales Navigator

6 lessons

Sales Navigator is an advanced paid tool designed to easily identify, engage and build relationships with your target audience effectively, ultimately driving sales and business growth.

Briefly, you’ll learn how to employ advanced search filters to pinpoint prospects, using features like LinkedIn’s automatically generated Lead Recommendations, Lead Lists creation, identifying prospects with Alerts, among others. Learn how to customise InMail messages, enabling personalised outreach to potential clients and leads.

Growing Your Network

9 lessons

We'll show you strategies and techniques that can transform your LinkedIn presence into a powerful networking tool.

From understanding connection types to mastering engagement and thought leadership, you'll develop the skills necessary to grow your network and drive professional success. You’ll come to realise that one connection represents multiple connections.

Personal Branding

1 lesson

A personal brand is the reputation you develop over time, encapsulating your expertise and personality that sets you apart from others, and the value you bring to your field.

You’ll learn how, by being authentic and consistent in portraying yourself to the world, showcasing your strengths and unique qualities you can position yourself as a thought leader and resource within your field, to attract followers and engagement.


16 lessons

Content on LinkedIn is a highly effective way to build a brand, showcase expertise, network with like-minded professionals and ideal customers. Whether it's a comment agreeing, a question seeking clarification or a shared experience, content can initiate conversations that transcend geographical borders and bring professionals together.

You’ll learn about all the different content form types, from short posts to memes, polls, articles and newsletters, among others. We'll also demonstrate how to leverage AI for content ideation and creation.

Advanced Tactics

8 lessons

You’ll learn advanced LinkedIn tactics that only experts are aware of.

Bonus: Mastering Mindset

7 lessons

We're true believers that confidence and a strong belief in oneself are crucial elements on the path to success and personal growth.

In this module we’ll explore important mindset elements. We'll discuss how to view failure as a stepping stone to success and how to be resilient when facing challenges. Additionally, we'll talk about cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset focused on innovation. A few inspirational stories will be thrown in for added content.

Bonus: Sales Strategy

4 lessons

You’d have realised by now the importance of LinkedIn in creating opportunities and prospects. However, rather than relying solely on a single interaction, i.e. LinkedIn, you should adopt a multi-touch selling strategy.

We're going to tell you about a sales expert we know and how, using his closing formula, you can convert more leads into paying customers. We'll give you scripts tailored to overcome the most common sales objections. In addition, we're going to tell you about other ways of generating even more leads.

Bonus: Tools, Technology & Software

9 lessons

This module includes tools, technology and software that have proven their worth in our founder's 30+ career in the digital marketing industry.

Bonus: Artificial Intelligence

This module talks about how the integration of AI technologies in digital marketing strategies has enabled businesses to enhance their targeting, personalisation, automation, time-saving and decision-making processes.

★ ★ ★ ★

Linked Intelligence came highly recommended and we've seen some fabulous results.

We have been extremely impressed with their level of professionalism, knowledge and efficiency.

Huddersfield, United Kingdom

★ ★ ★ ★

If ever my clients needed Expert LinkedIn Training, Linked Intelligence would be the company I’d call.

Always delivered fantastic results for me.

Leeds, United Kingdom



The Online Training Portal is made of 10 core modules, each containing bite-size lessons, structured with step-by-step instructions, helpful infographics, videos, downloadable guides and useful checklists to make sure you keep track of your progress.  Each module includes proven strategies and tips that we have shared with clients to help them overcome common problems. 

In addition, there are bonus modules, from sales strategies to Artificial Intelligence.

The portal is updated regularly with unique content to help you take your business to the next level.


Mark Content as Read

Once you have read a piece of content, simply mark it as ‘Read’ and move on. 


Comment and Ask For Help

We expect you to be incredibly active on this portal. Found something interesting? Leave a comment. Got unanswered questions? Reach out to a consultant. Our team will respond within 24 hours. 


Take Action

Everything must be actioned or you won’t see results. If you’re willing to work hard and put in your absolute best and stay focused, this will be hands down the best investment you have made for the GROWTH of your business.



Additional bonus features that, in addition to the skills learnt, will transform your business as you know it today.

You'll also get access to the Training Portal for life with lifetime updates.

Linkedin Learning Portal

  • Lifetime Access to Linked Intelligence Learning Portal
  • Lifetime Updates
  • 160+ Written Messages / Scripts
  • Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Annual Checklists
  • Over 190+ Lessons
  • More....

Normal Price - £995 +vat

